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University options

If you are interested in going to university and considering a career as a chartered accountant, there are lots of opportunities for you to start working towards the ACA while completing your degree. You can study any undergraduate degree and begin working towards the ACA in your own time, or opt for a degree that offer accredited work placements or ACA exam credits.

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  1. Higher starting salaries

    Graduates enjoy higher starting salaries than those who begin the ACA after school or college.

  2. Study any degree

    You can study any undergraduate degree to become a chartered accountant.

  3. Earn exemptions

    If you want to study a finance-related degree, there are courses which offer ACA modules and work experience placements.


Study any degree

You do not have to study a finance degree to become a chartered accountant.

Most employers offering ACA training agreements are looking for you to have achieved a first or a 2:1 in the subject of your choice, you just need to demonstrate your commitment and interest in a career in accountancy.

Learn more about the graduate route

The ICAEW Student Scheme is open to students on any undergraduate degree giving you access to a range of employability tools and resources.

It also enables you to start studying the ICAEW Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business, which is made up of the first six modules of the ACA, while you are at university.


Study a degree with ACA exemptions

For those wanting to gain a degree in accountancy, finance or business at university, you can choose an ICAEW-approved course that has been aligned to ACA modules.

This means that when you graduate and secure a training agreement you will have already completed some ACA modules which some employers look for in applicants. 

Read more about degrees offering ACA exemptions

Degrees you could study:

  • BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance, University of Liverpool
  • BA (Hons) Business Administration, PA College Cyprus
  • BBA Accounting, European University Cyprus
  • BSc Accounting, University of Nicosia

Study a degree with ACA work placements

To complete the ACA and qualify as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant you must undertake 450 days of practical work experience. You do not have to wait until you have graduated to start working towards this requirement.

You can study degree programmes that include industry placements with ICAEW authorised training employers.

Read more about degrees offering ACA placements

Degrees you could study:

  • BSc Accounting, Cardiff Business School
  • BSc Accounting, Alliance Manchester Business School
  • BSc Accounting and Finance, University of Warwick
  • BSc (Hons) Accounting and Finance, Cass Business School

Study an employer-affiliated degree

A number of ICAEW authorised training employers have partnered with universities to offer degree programmes.

These degrees enable you to gain credits for ACA exams and to undertake work experience placements at the company.

These courses enable you to complete the ACA and a university degree without having to apply for jobs while you study giving you more time to focus on securing good grades.

Read more about employer-affiliated degrees

Degrees you could study:

  • BA (Hons) Business Administration, Grant Thornton and PA College Cyprus
  • BSc Accounting, KPMG and Durham University
  • BA (Hons) Business Accounting and Finance, PwC and Newcastle University
  • BA (Hons) Business and Accounting, PwC and The Henley Business School
  • BSc Accountancy, PwC and Nottingham University Business School


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