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ICAEW 100 is a swift 30-minute online exercise open to all university students regardless of degree discipline or year of study. If you have a keen interest in accountancy and would like to learn more about it as a career, this competition is definitely for you!

Get started

What is ICAEW 100?

ICAEW 100 is a national business and accounting competition open to all students studying at a university in the United Kingdom, regardless of year of study or degree discipline.

Once a participant creates an account, they will receive guidance on how to navigate the assessment platform and tackle the challenges presented to them.

The online exercise is designed to mimic psychometric assessments, requiring participants to think critically and respond to various situations that chartered accountants encounter in their day-to-day work.

The online exercise assesses participants' strengths, provides a personalised feedback report and shares a real insight into the world of chartered accountancy. The better a participant's score, the higher they will place on the ICAEW 100 leaderboard.

ICAEW 100 concludes at 17:00 BST on 28 March 2024.

Create an account


How does it work?

ICAEW 100 welcomes all current university students in the UK, irrespective of year of study or the degree discipline. Whether you study an accounting degree or simply curious about the world of finance and business, this competition is tailored for you.

At the heart of ICAEW 100 lies a dynamic and engaging online exercise, one that will challenge you, expand your horizons and provide insight into the world of chartered accountancy. During the exercise, you'll find yourself in the shoes of ICAEW Chartered Accountants, making tough decisions and facing scenarios that mimic challenges faced by the profession.

Here's a step-by-step guide to taking part in ICAEW 100:

  1. Create an account.
  2. Step into the roles of four ICAEW Chartered Accountants, experience a series of business related scenarios and make decisions based on the information available.
  3. Upon completing the online exercise, participants are assigned a score and receive a tailored strengths-based feedback report.
  4. Check the leaderboard to see if you qualify as one of the ICAEW 100.

Why take part?

Don't just take our word for it; hear from previous ICAEW 100 participants who have experienced the competition firsthand.

Assessed skills

The online exercise evaluates strengths that chartered accountants rely on in their day-to-day activities, these are:

  • Communication

  • Adaptability

  • Integrity

  • Critical Analysis

  • Curiosity

  • Commercial acumen

  • Relationship building

  • Resilience

  • Planning

These skills are not only valuable for the competition, but will also serve you well in your future career.

Who are we?

Get to know us

We're the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales (ICAEW). We train, support and develop aspiring chartered accountants throughout their qualification and beyond. We are considered a leader in the accountancy and finance profession due to our robust qualification programmes, our expert technical knowledge and the wide ranging senior roles our members hold. We help talented individuals develop the knowledge, skills and experience they need to perform at the highest level in accountancy, finance and business.