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A career in the charity sector

If you are interested in making a difference while making a living, then why not use your numerical know-how to support charities? ICAEW Chartered Accountants play a key role in making sure groups are able to raise and spend funds effectively.

Key skills:

  1. Commercial awareness

  2. Communication skills

  3. Empathy

  4. Numerical skills

  5. Analytical skills

  6. Team player

Working for a charity

Working as a chartered accountant in the charity sector offers you the opportunity to use your skills in finance and accountancy to support a cause that you are passionate about.

You could find yourself working to raise the profile of fundraising projects one week and ensuring donations are accurately recorded and allocated the next. 

Key responsibilities include:

  • maintaining financial records and preparing and interpreting statements, such as annual reports;
  • developing profit projections and cash-flow forecasts;
  • formulating accounting and reporting policies; and
  • keeping up to date with regulatory and legislative changes.

Why work for a charity

Working within the voluntary sector offers chartered accountants and ACA students the opportunity to use their financial acumen to make a real difference in the world.

Whether you want to support your local community, the natural environment or causes that affect people all over the world, you can work for an organisation that is dedicated to a cause that means something to you and that will ensure you enjoy great job satisfaction.

Who can you work for?

At every charitable organisation there are individuals and teams responsible for monitoring and managing the organisation's finances.

This means that you could work for a small local charity and have a wide-ranging role or work for a specialist team within a large global organisation.

Amnesty International

We asked our members at Amnesty International about the ACA qualification, why they chose to pursue it and what benefits they thought it would bring to their career.

Find your ACA training agreement

You can find ACA training opportunities, placements and internships via our Training Vacancies website, where you can sign up to receive alerts when new vacancies are posted.

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