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Go Places - Become an ICAEW Chartered Accountant

ICAEW is a world leading professional body and we offer the globally recognised chartered accountancy qualification ACA and the Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (CFAB). It is our job to provide qualifications and professional development, share knowledge, insight and technical expertise for accountants and other business professionals in the world.



  1. 147,000 members

    ICAEW has more than 147,00 members working in 154 countries all over the world

  2. 25,000 students

    ICAEW has more than 25,000 students currently training for the ACA and ICAEW CFAB qualifications around the world

  3. 5,000 employers

    More than 5,000 organisations are ICAEW authorised training employers and offer ACA training contracts.


of FTSE 100 companies have an ICAEW Chartered Accountant on their board

(Source: ICAEW member data and FTSE 350 data at December 2016)



of the world’s 100 global leading brands employ ICAEW Chartered Accountants

(Source: ICAEW member data and FTSE 350 data at December 2016)


average annual earnings of ICAEW members in the Middle East

(Source: ICAEW salary survey 2015) 


average annual earnings of ICAEW members in the Middle East*

* Source: ICAEW salary survey 2015

Stay up to date

If you’re interested in becoming a chartered accountant, ICAEW sends regular newsletters about potential job opportunities, how you can secure a training agreement and news to help you through the recruitment process, as well as highlighting forthcoming events.

Sign up
Roshan Ramesh, Independent ACA Student

Roshan RameshIndependent ACA student

Location: Dubai, UAE

Looking for more help?

Email us at middleeast@icaew.com or call us on +971 4 408 0000