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Why achieve an ICAEW qualification?

Whether your aim is to become a CEO, CFO, or business founder, the ICAEW ACA qualification can help you achieve your goal. If you’re not ready for the full ACA, you can study for the ICAEW Certificate in Finance, Accounting and Business (ICAEW CFAB), a certificate-level qualification which is open to anyone with any background as it has no required academic entry criteria.

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Data Protection

The protection of personal privacy is an important concern to ICAEW. Any personal data collected will be treated in accordance with current data protection legislation. We will use your personal data to communicate with you about ways that ICAEW can support you with career choices and with details of work experience, internships and other activities related to training as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant. In order to support your career choice, we may share your information within ICAEW and with authorised training employers.

For more information about our data protection policy please go to icaew.com/dataprotection