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A career in corporate finance

If you want to get to the heart of what makes businesses tick, then a career in corporate finance might be for you. You will see first-hand how organisations source funding, handle capital and complete takeovers.

Key skills:

  1. Commercial awareness

  2. Communication skills

  3. Numerical skills

  4. Team player

  5. Analytical skills

  6. Negotiation skills

What is corporate finance?

In simple terms corporate finance is the ways in which companies finance their creation, growth or the acquisition of other businesses.

It’s an area of finance where ICAEW students and members deal with sourcing funding and the capital structure of organisations. Working in this area of finance our students and members work to increase the value of the company they work for or the clients they are responsible for.

This increased value ensures existing stakeholders remain confident while also attracting new potential investors.

Working in this area you would expect to allocate financial resources so that the organisation or client you are working for is in a position to invest when the right opportunity arises.

Examples of corporate finance include:

  • securing a loan from an investment bank;
  • winning financial backing through a crowd-funding platform; and
  • raising capital by restructuring the business.

Working in corporate finance

ICAEW Chartered Accountants specialising in corporate finance work with companies to support fund-raising activities, as well as mergers, acquisitions, changes in ownership and business improvement activities.

As a chartered accountant specialising in corporate finance you could work within an organisation or as an external advisor working for an accountancy firm.

Alongside working with your own team, you will be dealing with finance providers, investment lawyers and researchers.

Typical activities include:

  • supporting new business development proposals;
  • drafting proposals and tender documents;
  • preparing financial projections;
  • preparing strategic business plans;
  • coordinating teams of professionals; and
  • providing advice for improvements to systems and controls.

Why work in corporate finance?

Specialising in corporate finance offers ICAEW Chartered Accountants the opportunity to be at the centre of how businesses operate.

It is a career in which you can actively contribute to the commercial success of a business, ensuring it is securing the right finance options at the right time.

Working in corporate finance also enables you to move between working in practice and directly within companies.

Find your ACA training agreement

You can find ACA training opportunities, placements and internships via our Training Vacancies website, where you can sign up to receive alerts when new vacancies are posted.

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