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My ACA experience: Shivalay

Shivalay studied Biomedical Science at University, but also found a passion for numbers, so started on the path to becoming an ICAEW Chartered Accountant.

Shivalay Kara

Shivalay Kara Business Transformation, Bupa

ICAEW route: Non-finance degree

Industry: Business

Location: London, UK

Shivalay's story...

What are the common misconceptions with accountancy?

I thought Accounting would be more similar to A Level Maths, when in fact it's as simple as crafting a story behind each number.

Tell us the one piece of advice that you still find useful today?

Adding events to my diary as soon as I find out about them really helps me stay on top of things. This allows me to maximise my opportunities without encountering schedule clashes.

What one word would you use to describe being an ICAEW Chartered Accountant?


Tell us the one study tip that has helped you during your training?

Confidence is a fine trait, but it also starts with "con"! Approach any exam with a winning mindset, even if you must fake it.


What is your favourite aspect of the role that you do?

I love that I’m never truly confined to one area of expertise, even if I make a side-way move I can always leverage my knowledge to drive change.

Where can a qualification with ICAEW take you?

CEO of any company.

What does ICAEW do that no-one else does?

Teaches you to walk, so that one day you may run. The ICAEW’s training process is designed to be rigorous; after all, if it were easy, everyone would do it, and no-one would respect the effort and resilience you put it.

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