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My ACA Experience: Revekka

ACA was my first-class ticket to the business world! A world, which once you enter as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant, you will never leave, because once you do the ACA, you can do anything!

Revekka Katsounotou

Revekka Katsounotou Executive, Assurance | Grant Thornton

ICAEW route: Graduate

Industry: Advisory

Location: Cyprus

Revekka's story...

What has the ACA given you?  

ACA was my first-class ticket to the business world! A world, which once you enter as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant, you will never leave, because once you do the ACA, you can do anything!! A world, with so many opportunities and potential, for which ACA is the key! ACA gave me strong foundations to achieve in that world which is continuously evolving! It gave me ambition to follow my dreams! It gave me confidence that I can do so much more!! 

What is the most important skill you have developed?

ACA is much more than just crunching numbers. It provides you with the right skills that can help you excel in your career, whatever this is. For me, the most important skill I have developed was that of problem solving. ACA taught me how to analyze a problem, generate options and make recommendations to arrive at appropriate solutions in various business areas. What is interesting about ACA though, is that each skill developed is carefully linked into the foundations of becoming a successful business professional. My journey into developing problem solving, has also provided me with the right skills to think creatively, prioritize, analyze data, think critically and so much more! 

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