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My ACA experience: Priyanka

Priyanka graduated from university with a finance degree and has gone onto study the ACA at Shawbrook Bank Ltd.

Priyanka Patel

Priyanka Patel Finance Graduate, Shawbrook Bank Ltd

ICAEW route: Graduate

Industry: Banking

Location: London, UK

Priyanka's story...

What are the common misconceptions with accountancy?

A common misconception with accountancy is that it is seen at boring and tedious which is not true!

Tell us the one piece of advice that you still find useful today?

Don't stress over things that you cannot control.

What one word would you use to describe being an ICAEW Chartered Accountant?


Tell us the one study tip that has helped you during your training?

Starting revision early and doing exam questions!


What is your favourite aspect of the role that you do?

I really enjoy working as a Finance graduate at Shawbrook Bank as I get to experience several different parts of the banking industry through the rotational programme which I would not receive elsewhere.

Where can a qualification with ICAEW take you?

The qualification can open so many doors for you allowing you to work in several industries as well as working abroad.

What does ICAEW do that no-one else does?

ICAEW provide an immense amount of support throughout and after you have completed the qualification.

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