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My ACA experience: Myke

Myke has worked across several sectors before moving to Scotland from Nigeria and beginning his career as a chartered accountant.

Myke Mba

Myke Mba Business Support Accountant, NatureScot

ICAEW route: Graduate

Industry: Business

Location: Glasgow, Scotland

Myke's story...

Tell us about your career journey and what you do day-to-day in your role. 

I am Business Support Accountant with NatureScot, prior to this I worked as an Accounts Assistant with Sky Plc at Livingston, Scotland. In my home country I have worked in different sectors such as banking, pharmaceutical, oil & gas industries, etc.

My day-to-day activities in my role includes, but not limited to, preparation of financial plans, budgeting, forecasting, staff cost forecast, business planning, provision of disclosure requirements to the submission of statutory accounts, etc.

Why did you choose the ACA over other accounting qualifications?

ACA has a reputation of being one of the best accounting body qualifications in the world.

Who or what inspired you to become a chartered accountant?

I was inspired by the qualities of the accounting profession, like integrity and discipline when I was growing up. I admire accountants on their professionalism.

Our accountants are more than you’d imagine. They challenge the traditional accountancy routes and career paths. They have an innovative approach and skill to their work. How does your career path, attitude and skillset support this?

I have a career path where I qualified as a chartered accountant with The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN) and worked in different sectors in Nigeria. I migrated to UK and did a pathway examination with the Institute of Chartered Accountants for England and Wales (ICAEW). With this path I have developed skill sets in budgeting, forecasting, proficiency in IT, analytical skills, etc.

Do you think there is such a thing as a stereotypical accountant? If so, how do you challenge this stereotype?

No, accountants are creative, it is not a boring profession, they are not born introverts. Accountants are also outgoing, they have a social life.

Why did you decide to go down the route you did? What advantages was there to go down the Pathways option?

I decided to go through the Pathways option to equip myself to compete globally. ICAEW is a leading world accounting body, it provided me with more opportunities globally. 

What do you love the most about what you do?

I enjoy tracking an organisation’s financial transactions, and also I love budgeting, financial reporting, forecasting, cash flow, and payroll.

Did you find it challenging relocating from another country and transitioning into studying and working life in the UK compared to Nigeria?

Yeah, it was not an easy transition. I met some challenges like not having UK experience when I arrived. Also studying to pass ICAEW was equally challenging.

At ICAEW, we encourage applicants from all backgrounds. What skills do you bring to your career due to your previous studies and why did chartered accountancy appeal to you?

The skills I bring to my career due to my previous studies are budgetary, forecasting, proficiency in IT, organisation & attention to details, analytical and problem-solving skills.

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