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My ACA experience: Ed

Ed studied Arts in Philosophy at the University of Manchester, before pursuing a career in accountancy.

Ed Hacking

Ed Hacking Corporate Tax Senior, Mazars

ICAEW route: Non-finance degree

Industry: Corporate finance

Location: London, UK

Ed's story...

What are the common misconceptions with accountancy?

That there is only one type of accountant and that one role is very boring.

Tell us the one piece of advice that you still find useful today?

Life is not a race.

What one word would you use to describe being an ICAEW Chartered Accountant?

I am not chartered yet, but ‘Rewarding’ for training contract so far.

Tell us the one study tip that has helped you during your training?

Study in the morning, enjoy your afternoon.

What is your favourite aspect of the role that you do?

The people I get to work with.

Where can a qualification with ICAEW take you?

Lots of places! Not knowing exactly where I will be in 10/15 years is the exciting part.