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My ACA experience: Alieu

After graduating in Business and Management, Alieu went on to complete his ACA qualification with PwC. He is now Head of Partnerships at The Foyer Federation, a charity that provides accommodation, personal development and employability support to 16-25 year olds. Alongside this, he coaches professionals, entrepreneurs and creatives on how to be effective leaders at work and in their personal life.

Alieu Fofanah

Alieu Fofanah Head of Partnerships, The Foyer Federation

ICAEW route: Non-finance degree

Industry: Charity

Location: London

Alieu's story...

I want to build on what the Foyer Federation already has. The charity has been around for 25 years, but the current funding environment means the charity has been depleted. My role is a new one and at the moment it’s only me, but I’d like to build it into a five-person team, and develop innovative ways to work with corporates. 

Alongside my day job, I coach professionals, entrepreneurs and creatives on how to be effective leaders at work and in their personal life. I use techniques from a school of Psychosynthesis leadership coaching. My clients are far ranging from a partner who sits on the executive board of PwC UK to Michael Dapaah, the comedian and artist who came out with the global hit “Mans Not Hot”.

I chose a career in chartered accountancy because I knew it had high earning potential, and I also wanted to refine my commercial awareness and analytical skills.

I had a strong bond with The Foyer Federation before I knew about the role. Meeting the senior management team and hearing the difficulties the charity faced and the vision of where they were going connected deeply with my sense of adventure, opportunity and teamwork.

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