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My ACA experience: Aaron

The ACA has given me the passport to go into my chosen area of technology startups and venture capital and to be taken seriously, while encouraging me to always keep learning and pursue excellence.

Aaron Townsend, Financial Controller at Hibito

Aaron Townsend Financial Controller, Habito

ICAEW route: Graduate

Industry: Business

Location: London, UK

Aaron Townsend

What skills have you developed by studying the ACA qualification?

Attention to detail, recognising the broader picture, getting to the point and a healthy level of skepticism. These skills have/are shaping the kind of professional I’ve become. 

How has becoming qualified helped you progress your career?

The ACA has given me the passport to go into my chosen area of technology startups and venture capital and to be taken seriously, while encouraging me to always keep learning and pursue excellence.

What do you love about what you do?

I love that my role constantly stretches and challenges me to find new solutions and become more efficient while still remembering the important things. The responsibility I’ve been given has grounded me. 

Completing the ACA is a massive achievement but is only the beginning. It bestows upon you a mindset that nothing is beyond your capabilities and I would encourage everyone to preserve with it because you never know where it will take you! 

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There are a number of different routes to becoming an ICAEW Chartered Accountant. You can start your journey straight from school, while you're at university or after you have graduated. Find out which route is right for you.

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