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ICAEW Vlog Stars: Taran

A film fanatic, gym enthusiast and time travel admirer. As an audit associate on the Grant Thornton graduate programme, Taran brings far more to the table than reviewing accounts. He’s a people’s person, and knows training for the ACA can help him in his ambition to run his own business. 


Taran Hothi Audit Associate

ICAEW route: Graduate

Industry: Business

Location: Reading


Taran wants a qualification that keeps his options open and can give him the experience he needs to become a true entrepreneur. He decided to complete his degree at University of Warwick and then took our graduate route to chartered accountancy

Get to know Taran

What route have you taken to be an ICAEW Chartered Accountant?

When I graduated from university, I wanted to do something that would give be a breadth of options and could guide me into multiple career paths. The ACA qualification offers this so it was ideal for me.

So where do you want your career to take you?

My long term goal is to start my own business. I know that before this happens, I need to gain valuable experience – training for the ACA has vastly improved my financial literacy and Grant Thornton have been supportive in ensuring I get experience and training.

Three words to describe yourself

Enthusiastic, inquisitive and traveller.

Do you have any challenges when studying and working at the same time?

It can be challenging but I’ve learned that time management is essential. But you also need to make time for yourself. I go to the gym, read and I love films.

What can we expect from your vlogs?

I have completed 12 of the 15 modules in the ACA so I want to talk about my experiences and advice to potential students. I can give a glimpse into what my studies are like, what it takes to be an ICAEW Chartered Accountant and what options there are after you qualify. Also expect plenty of film knowledge, particularly anything that involves Ryan Gosling or Tom Hardy!

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Find your route

There are a number of different routes to becoming an ICAEW Chartered Accountant. You can start your journey straight from school, while you're at university or after you have graduated. Find out which route is right for you.

Find your route