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ICAEW Vlog Stars: Phoebe

Phoebe believes in wellbeing. When you feel your best, you’ll do your best. She is here to shout about what it’s like to train for the ACA and also balance those all-important yoga sessions. Phoebe left school and started with the AAT qualification and then took the fast track route onto the ACA. Are you thinking of your options after school? View Phoebe’s story for first-hand advice.


Phoebe Cranmer Trainee Accountant

ICAEW route: AAT-ACA Fast Track

Industry: Business

Location: Grimsby

Phoebe Interview – ICAEW Vlog Stars

Phoebe knew after A-levels that she wanted to study and earn at the same time – that’s exactly what ACA offers. Join Phoebe’s journey to becoming a qualified chartered accountant.

Vlog 1

Phoebe launches her vlog series by talking you though her visits to clients all over the country, while anticipating her exam results and moving into her brand new house.

Get to know Phoebe

What do you enjoy about training towards chartered accountancy?

I enjoy problem solving, I love meeting people and the team work that is involved in chartered accountancy.

My job offers a range of responsibilities, which makes working at a smaller firm very appealing. I can be involved with the entire client journey, from accounts preparation to auditing and offering businesses viable solutions.

What advice do you have for students thinking about becoming an ICAEW Chartered Accountant?

To be an ICAEW Chartered Accountant you need have good people skills, be a clear communicator and hard working. At times your schedule can be busy with work and studying, so time management is essential!

In three words, tell us how would you would describe yourself.

Kind, positive, determined and ambitious. I need four words!

What would your superpower be?

I would heal people. I’d like to be able to heal people and just make the world a better place.

I was unwell a couple of years ago. I had sepsis and was in hospital. It was a difficult time for me, but I got through it and looking back on it now, to get through something traumatic has helped me become stronger and more determined. Now, I have my own car, I’ve just bought a house and I’m in a career I enjoy – so I am feeling very positive about my future!

Ask Phoebe a question to answer in her upcoming vlogs!

*denotes compulsory field

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The protection of personal privacy is an important concern to ICAEW. Any personal data collected will be treated in accordance with current data protection legislation. We will use your personal data to communicate with you about ways that ICAEW can support you with career choices and with details of work experience, internships and other activities related to training as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant. In order to support your career choice, we may share your information within ICAEW and with authorised training employers. For more information about our data protection policy please go to icaew.com/dataprotection


Find your route

There are a number of different routes to becoming an ICAEW Chartered Accountant. You can start your journey straight from school, while you're at university or after you have graduated. Find out which route is right for you.

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