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ICAEW Vlog Stars: Michalis

After graduating from the University of Nottingham, Michalis took his career to Cyprus. He knew that he would get the recognition and in-depth responsibilities that come with training for the ACA, a global qualification. Michalis is here to share his journey, his advice and also his music, he is a guitarist after all.


Michalis Stylianides

ICAEW route: Graduate

Industry: Audit and assurance

Location: Cyprus

Michalis Interview – ICAEW Vlog Stars

Discover Michalis' international journey to our prestigious ACA qualification.

Get to know Michalis

What has your journey been to landing a role at KPMG Cyprus?

Since studying in the UK I knew that I wanted a role in accounting that offered me the opportunity to develop skills that would make me a better accountant and also an all-round business professional. I interned at KPMG Cyprus twice, completed my masters and returned to KPMG to train towards the ACA.

Do you have any advice to international students considering training for the ACA qualification?

The ACA is internationally recognised for its high quality and producing leading chartered accountants. The training and exams are challenging but it really assesses your ability to handle real life scenarios in accounting – making you more prepared for work after you qualify. So to those considering the ACA, I’d say it’s a qualification to take if you want to develop crucial business skills recognised by global industries, not just accounting firms.

What hobbies and interests can we expect to see in your vlogs?

It’s important to make time to do things that take you mind away from work and study. I love to play basketball, watch TV series and play my guitar. Music gives me a moment to relax, I can listen all day! One of my favourite memories is camping for three days at Download Festival, my favourite bands were playing – it was perfect!

Michalis is full of ACA advice. Ask a question here and he may cover it in his next vlog:

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