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ICAEW Vlog Stars: Bethany

Bethany says her motivation to train for the ACA is to help people, which is why she has started a business in her spare time to help young people with financial literacy. Based in the heart of Canary Wharf, her vlogs will show what life is really like as a senior management accountant in the capital with the Legal Aid Agency.


Bethany Staff Senior Management Accountant

ICAEW route: Graduate

Industry: Public sector

Location: London

Bethany Interview - ICAEW Vlog Stars

Bethany took our graduate route to chartered accountancy. Whilst studying and working, she still finds time to assist young people with financial literacy. Discover how she does it.

Vlog 1

In this vlog, Bethany introduces you to her world of chartered accountancy. Join her as she talks you through her training, exams and her top advice to anyone considering searching for a career in an industry they love. For Bethany, this means working for an organisation that supports the public with legal aid.

Get to know Bethany

So where do you work and what do you do? 

I work at the legal aid agency which is part of the Ministry of Justice.

What do you love about working in the public sector?

I provide support and legal advice for people who in need of it and that’s the real appeal for what I do. You get to have a positive impact on people’s lives, which can be very rewarding. The thing I love about my job the most is the people. I have a fantastic working environment and always have the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues across the whole organisation.

Are there any challenges to working your 9-5 and training for the ACA?

The most challenging thing is not the commute and not the job itself. It’s coming home after a day’s work and still finding that motivation to open the revision books. It’s always worth keeping in mind ICAEW have a great support scheme and the Ministry of Justice are always there to help me when I need it – so I’m managing to get through!

Three words to describe yourself?

I’m going to cheat and say people’s person – that’s two! And determined.

Is there anything most people don’t know about you?

One thing most people don’t know about me is that I actually run my own business. My company, Nebula Learning, offers financial e-learning courses for young people. Which helps them become more tactical with personal financing.

Want Bethany to answer your questions in her upcoming vlogs? Then submit below!

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