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My ACA experience: Rebecca

I chose ACA because it is a globally recognised qualification – gaining this qualification means that I can work in many different countries in the world!

Rebecca Shooter-Dodd

Rebecca Shooter-Dodd Director, Corporate Controller - Revasum, Inc.

ICAEW route: School-leaver programme

Industry: Corporate finance

Location: USA, California

Rebecca's Story

Tell us about your career journey and what you do in your role.

I began my career at a small accounting firm in Leicester, close to where I grew up. After a year and a half, I progressed to a small accounting firm in London. Once completing the ACA qualification, I took a position with BDO LLP in London, working in their audit department.

After a couple of years,  I transferred to the BDO offices in Sydney. Here I progressed to audit manager, and whilst working there, I had the opportunity to travel to California to work with US Companies listing on the Australian Securities Exchange. One of these companies, Revasum, Inc., offered me a role as their Corporate Controller, which I took! I am currently on an 18-month internship with them, learning how to run a finance department, and hope to be CFO of a Company one day!

In my day to day role at Revasum, I manage a finance team of five people, and report directly to the CFO. I manage all external financial reporting requirements, along with working with our auditors, BDO. I have also have the opportunity to spend time with other areas of the business.

Why did you choose the ACA over other accounting qualifications?

I chose ACA because it is a globally recognised qualification – gaining this qualification means that I can work in many different countries in the world! It is also a very highly regarded qualification – the exams are hard work – but employers recognise this. Given I didn’t go to university, I wanted to gain a highly regarded qualification in its place, whilst getting on the job experience.

Why did you decide to become a chartered accountant?

I decided that going to university wasn’t for me. I looked at options that did not require university but I still wanted a great qualification and good job prospects for the future. Gaining the ACA and becoming a chartered accountant was top of the list for me.

Our accountants are more than you’d imagine. They challenge the traditional accountancy routes and career paths. They have an innovative approach and skill to their work. How does your career path, attitude and skillset support this?

In my career I have had the opportunity to work in London, Australia & California – the ACA has allowed me to travel the world whilst working, having amazing experiences and meeting new people. Throughout my career I have challenged the norm with regards to progression, believing that if you have the experience and a positive attitude, you can achieve anything – including starting the ACA at 18, and qualifying at the age of 21. I now apply this to people I hire – hard work and a positive attitude get you so far in life.

What was the transition like moving from UK to Sydney and then California?

Moving around the world is exciting, I think the main opportunities that have come from this are to learn from different people across the world, and how global businesses operate. By working in other countries, I am able to integrate with the people and lifestyle, which has given me a more rounded view of the world. There are also challenges, such as learning how things work in each country and how different cultures operate. Especially at work – learning company and tax law in each country is a challenge but hard work is rewarded!

Can you talk about the benefits of studying the ACA straight after finishing school? Do you feel like you have missed out on not going to university?

The main benefit for me from doing the ACA straight after finishing school is that I was able to gain an additional three years’ experience – giving me an advantage over other job applicants when going for jobs. I never felt like I missed out on university, whilst on my training contract I worked at very sociable firms – getting to meet new people and take part in socials whilst working.


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