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My ACA experience: Orkhan

Orkhan chose to go via the AAT route to becoming an ICAEW Chartered Accountant after A levels.

Orkhan Freeman

Orkhan Freeman MAAT ACA FP&A Manager, Sliide

ICAEW route: AAT-ACA Fast Track

Industry: Advisory

Location: Bristol, UK

Orkhan's story...

What are the common misconceptions with accountancy?

One common misconception about accountancy is that it's all about number crunching and dealing solely with financial data. While numbers are at the core of our profession, being a chartered accountant involves much more than that. We provide valuable insights and strategic guidance to businesses, helping them make informed decisions beyond just financial aspects. 
Tell us the one piece of advice that you still find useful today?

One invaluable piece of advice that I continue to find useful today is to never stop learning. The world of finance and accountancy is constantly evolving, with new regulations, technologies, and business practices emerging regularly. Staying curious and open to learning ensures that I can adapt to these changes effectively. 
What one word would you use to describe being an ICAEW Chartered Accountant?

From my perspective, I would describe being an ICAEW Chartered Accountant as "Adaptable." This term resonates with me as it underscores our capacity to navigate the ever-evolving financial landscape, regulatory changes, and shifting business environments. 
Tell us the one study tip that has helped you during your training?

During my training, the study tip that proved most effective was to break down complex topics into smaller, manageable chunks. By focusing on one concept at a time and mastering it before moving on, I was able to build a strong foundation of knowledge, which made the learning process more manageable and effective. 


What is your favourite aspect of the role that you do?

My favorite aspect of being a chartered accountant is the opportunity to make a tangible impact on businesses and individuals. 
Where can a qualification with ICAEW take you?

A qualification with ICAEW can open doors to a wide range of career opportunities. Chartered accountants are in demand across industries, from public practice to corporate finance, advisory, and beyond. This qualification provides a strong foundation for leadership roles, including CFO positions, financial consulting, or even entrepreneurship. 
What does ICAEW do that no-one else does?

What sets ICAEW apart is its commitment to maintaining the highest professional and ethical standards in the field of accountancy. The institute not only provides comprehensive training and support but also emphasises the importance of ethics, integrity, and public interest, ensuring that its members uphold the highest standards of professionalism in the industry.

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