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My ACA experience: Michael

Michael turned down an offer to study finance at degree level for the opportunity to become a Higher Apprentice at BDO. He says that working every day makes it easier to put accountancy theory into practice and enables him to pick up new skills.

Michael Fry

Michael Fry Audit Trainee, BDO LLP

ICAEW route: Apprenticeship

Industry: Audit and assurance

Location: UK, Cardiff

Michael's story

If you’re interested in a career in finance, accountancy or business, then I would definitely recommend the Higher Apprenticeship programme.

I considered going to university and actually turned down a place on an accounting and finance degree programme at Cardiff.

I work within audit and I don’t really have a typical day because I’m involved in something different pretty much every day of the week, whether this is on a client’s site or in the office.

I’ve also had to opportunity to travel around and work on a wide range of clients.

Throughout my apprenticeship, I have most enjoyed learning on-the-job and also putting what I have learnt into practice on a daily basis.It makes it a lot easier to pick up different skills.

To be successful as a Higher Apprentice, you need to work hard and be willing to learn.

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