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My ACA experience: Jimmy

Becoming a professional rugby player meant that Jimmy didn’t finish his business degree, but inspired by the accountants in his family he decided to study the AAT in his spare time. After his sports career was ended by injury, Jimmy approached local accountancy firms and was able to continue his AAT training with them before progressing to study the ACA.

Jimmy, Trainee Accountant CLB Coopers LLP, Lancaster

Jimmy Moore Trainee Accountant, CLB Coopers

ICAEW route: AAT-ACA Fast Track


Location: UK

Jimmy's story...

Premiership and European cup rugby to chartered accountancy couldn’t have been more of a career change!

During my time at university studying Business Information Systems I was playing for the Sale Sharks Academy team as a professional rugby player. In my final year at University I made the progression up to the first team playing Premiership and European cup rugby. This meant that I was unable to finish my degree.

I then moved to Coventry Rugby Club where I became the highest points scorer in the division. This prompted a move down to Cornwall to play for the Cornish Pirates where I remained for four years.

During my time in Cornwall I attended Cornwall College in the evening to study towards my AAT qualification. My mother and brother are both accountants, so I thought I would give it a try.

Having successfully completed both the foundation and intermediate stage, I then sustained an injury that meant I could no longer continue as a professional rugby player.

Relocating back to the north-west I sent my CV (that contained nothing but my rugby clubs and qualifications) to CLB Coopers. 

They recognised that to get to where I got playing professional rugby takes a lot of time and dedication and those attributes would suit their working environment along with my commitment to study towards the AAT off my own back. Luckily for me they offered me a job!

I then went on to complete my AAT studies to technician level and subsequently was offered a training contract to study towards the ACA qualification.

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There are a number of different routes to becoming an ICAEW Chartered Accountant. You can start your journey straight from school, while you're at university or after you have graduated. Find out which route is right for you.

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