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ACA training in Greece

Graduates, school leavers and those with other professional qualifications or experience (such as ACCA or SOEL) can study for the ACA in Greece. The minimum academic entry requirement for students is two A levels and three GCSEs or the international equivalent

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Who are we?

ICAEW is the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. Founded in 1880, we support more than 150,000 ICAEW Chartered Accountants in 155 countries. Our members have successfully completed our qualification, the ACA.

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The ACA qualification

The ACA equips you with in-depth knowledge across finance, accountancy and business and is recognised by employers around the world. Our members hold influential positions  across the globe.

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How is the ACA structured?

Alongside the study routes offered in conjunction with SOEL - the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Greece - (see below), full ACA training is available in Greece.

This combines four essential elements:

  1. exams,
  2. practical work experience,
  3. professional development and
  4. ethics and professional scepticism.

Together, these four elements give you the expertise and added-value skills that help define a chartered accountant. You must successfully complete all four elements to complete the ACA qualification and become an ICAEW Chartered Accountant.

Entry requirements

TThe minimum academic entry requirement for ACA students is two A levels and three GCSEs or the international equivalent. Please note that the Apolytirion of Lykeion level is also accepted if you have achieved an overall score of 17/20 or 85%.

If you are a graduate, school leaver or have a professional qualification or experience (such as ACCA or SOEL) you can study for the ACA in Greece and qualify as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant. 

ACA exams

All exams are held in Greece. Exams must be pre-booked and details of the exam venue will be sent to you approximately two weeks before the examination date.

Credit for prior learning 

If you hold an accounting or business related degree or a professional accountancy qualification you may be eligible to exemption from some of the ACA exams.

SOEL members, for example, can claim credits for prior learning for 11 of the 15 ACA modules.

Individuals in the process of qualifying as SOEL members or via the SOEL-ACCA Joint Examination Scheme can also register as an ACA student and apply for credit for prior learning based on ACCA exemptions.

Check our credit directory to see if you can apply for credit for some of the exam modules.

Currently, credits awarded to students for ACA papers against SOEL or ACCA papers, are awarded free of charge.

Read more about applying for credits

Tuition providers

ICAEW works with the following two tuition providers in Greece:

Costs of studying the ACA

There are a number of fees associated with completing the ACA and qualifying as a ICAEW Chartered Accountant.

Read a breakdown of the costs 

ICAEW-SOEL Accredited Membership Programme (AMP)

ICAEW and SOEL have partnered to form an Accredited Membership Programme (AMP) whereby both bodies recognise and award mutual credits for IESOEL and ACA modules. This enables students to study Greek tax and law instead of UK tax and law  and qualify as chartered accountants and members of both bodies.  

For ACA students 

As an ACA student through AMP you would not be required to take the following four modules ACA Certificate Level - Law and Principles of Taxation modules and Professional Level - Business Planning: Taxation and Tax Compliance. Instead you would need to study for the equivalent SOEL tax and law modules. 

For SOEL members

Existing SOEL members that would like to qualify as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant can claim 11 credits for prior learning and will need to successfully complete the remaining four remaining ACA modules: Professional Level – Business Strategy and Advanced Level – Corporate Reporting, Strategic Business Management and Case Study. 

Students studying the Master’s programme at the National Kapodistrion University of Athens delivered jointly with SOEL, are eligible for up to 12 ACA credits of which up to 4 (as awarded by SOEL for their examinations) are free of charge. For more information and to apply for credits, please visit Credit for prior learning (CPL).

Meet the employers

Obtaining the globally recognised ACA qualification can structure your career with unshakable business ethics, solid financial solutions and great people skills.

Improve your employability

Read our top tips and listen to our expert insights on what you can do to make your application stand out from the crowd and how to find and secure the job you want. 

Read our top tips

More information

For more information on studying the ACA in Greece contact: Varvara Kouvari – varvara.kouvari@icaew.com (+30 6970 991080).

Alternatively, if you have any questions regarding your application, ICAEW’s Student Support Team will be able to help you:

Student Support Team
+44 (0)1908 248 250
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ICAEW is involved with events all over the world to share experiences of what a career in chartered accountancy offers and to provide advice on the different routes available to qualify.

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Join us from another professional body

As a student there are exemptions available for up to 12 of the 15 ACA exams and these can be claimed by applying for Credit for Prior Learning (CPL).

As a member of another professional accountancy body, you may be eligible to join us through one of our reciprocal agreements.

Training internationally

If you want to train for the ACA in another country, you must ensure you are entitled to work in that country. It is your responsibility to understand what work visa you need and how to secure one. ICAEW cannot support you in this process, but your potential employer might be able to offer advice.